Friday, December 19, 2008

What Recession???

About a month ago our President, in his final months as our President, officially announced that we (meaning the United States) are in a state of Recession. Stating that the economy is struggling and it is a down time in this country as far as the economy goes. And we have clearly seen this in every area. Companies are cutting employees everywhere, Christmas' are going to be short this year, and people are struggling everyday to keep their families afloat.

The one place where the Recession clearly has not hit, is the pockets of the Steinbrenner's and the New York Yankees organization. They just went on a shopping spree as if someone just gave them a giant refund check in January. In a matter of a week they spent a combined.....

....hold onto your seats....

....$230 Million dollars...

In case you didn't read that correctly that is, $230,000,000 !! The Yanks went and signed C.C. Sabathia to the most unnecessary, biggest contract ever for a pitcher, for a measly $141 million. And then a week later completely overbid for A.J. Burnett at 83 million dollars, when his expected range was 60 million. Someone needs to go to Hal and Hank Steinbrenner with a dictionary, and show them what the word "Recession" actually means. The funniest part is that you would expect, spending that kind of money, that you were getting unbelievable lights out stuff out of two pitchers at 230 million. But your not. C.C. went to the national league for a reason folks, the AL is just tough to pitch in. You can be the best pitcher of the past 5 years (Johan Santana) and you will still get roughed up a few times in the American League, the hitters are just too good. Hopefully C.C. is worth his 140 million...but that's doubtful. As for A.J.'s signing I can justify this one a little more, being as he has been in the AL East for the past 3 or 4 years and has pitched well against the Red Sox and TB Rays.

(And by the way, whats with the Yankees infatuation with signing guys with two initials as their first names, C.C. and A.J. Hopefully they'll get smart and go sign M.C. Teixeira to fill their insane first base void. I Digress)

We, as a country may be in a recession, but there is no shortage of money in the New York Yankee trust fund, that's for certain....

Written by TDERIGG2

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